Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Seventh Week

I keep growing more and more.

Je continue à grandir de plus en plus.

I am starting to be able to lift my head up.

Je commence à être capable de lever la tête.

I got a new swing.

J'ai une nouvelle balancelle.

Uncle Brandon and Aunt Toral came to visit.

Tonton Brandon et Tata Toral nous ont rendu visite.

And it was Father's Day.

Et c'était la fête des pères.

1 comment:

  1. How handsome you look, Tristan, with your daddy and your aunt and uncle. Did you wish your daddy a happy (first) Father's Day? Did you put your Auntie T and Uncle Brando to sleep?

    Perhaps you will root for the Padres when you come down to visit next month. You look as though you are ready for San Diego, mon petit.

    Miss you, Grammy
